Thursday 16 June 2016


In my first class of MIS 750, I have mentioned on the SCADA system being applied in my organization. SCADA system stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. The systems function is exactly as its name suggest, mainly for supervisory control and for data acquisition.

It is widely used in many fields: e.g. power generation, water system, oil industry, chemistry, automobile industry. Different fields need different functions, but they all have below features:

·         Graphic user interface (GUI)
·         Process mimic / model
·         Real time and historic trending
·         Alarm system
·         Data acquisition and recording
·         Data analysis
·         Report generator

The typical system architecture is shown in the Figure below:

HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. It is the input-output device through which the human operator controls the process, and which presents process data to a human operator.

Data Acquisition System (DAS) gathers information from the MTU, generates and store alerts that needs attention from the operator because it can cause impact on the system.

Master Terminal Unit (MTU) is the heart of a SCADA system and is usually located at the main monitoring center. MTU initiates communication with remote units and interfaces with the DAS and the HMI.

Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is the communication device within the SCADA system and is located at the remote location e.g. substation. The RTU gathers data from field devices in memory until the MTU request that information. It also process orders from the SCADA like switch off a transmission line.

For my organization, the system architecture can be visualize as the figure below:

The comms is basically the MTU to communicate with RTU and at the same time interfacing with the scada. There is an additional system which is the Emergency Management System (EMS) that functions as the master for the scada while interfacing between the planning unit and the operators. The EMS will take control in time of emergency to safely operate the transmission network by dispatching standby power plant or load shedding selected areas.

So in conclusion, the adoption of scada system helps the utility company to safely and efficiently manage the operation of its assets that is widely located around the country. 


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