Thursday 16 June 2016

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hello readers and friends (classmates /colleagues maybe)... Welcome to my blog

Being my first entry, let me introduce myself in general and what can be expected of this blog.
Firstly, my name is Najib. Those who knows me back from school/ university days called me bijan J.  I live in Klang. Married and have 2 children; a girl and a boy. I work in a utility company, doing business development and overseas investment. 

Back to the expectation for this blog, I will try to share about information and my views on the subject of information system and/or technologies that relates to my field of work, and/or subjects that interest me. 

Before I forgot, I would like to take this opportunity to show appreciation to my MIS lecturer, Prof. Madya Dr. Norzaidi for his guidance and shared knowledge.  I Hope that more lecturers will acknowledge and apply his style of teaching and coaching for his students.

Well, my first task in developing a blog has been completed. In my next entry, I will discuss on the technologies implemented in my organization. Cheers.

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